Obtaining Customer Reviews on the Internet
When you’re selling products, whether only online, or in the real world, reviews are important. If you’re trying to sell SEO services for example, before anyone buys your service, one of the first things they are going to do is try and Google reviews for your particular service. This allows them to get firsthand information regarding your services and is a strong incentive for a person to purchase, or not purchase, any particular buy review service service. The problem is, when you’re just starting out, there likely won’t be any reviews for your business online. So you need to know how to start generating some review activity on your products or services in order to have that resource available online for when potential customers want to learn more about your organization.
There are many different ways to get reviews. If you’re selling products, the first thing that you need to do is set up a review page as part of your shopping system. Amazon is perhaps the greatest example of just how effective a method this can be. When you give your customers an open forum to comment and review your products, many will take advantage of this. When you allow them to comment without censoring them, and are willing to take the good reviews with the bad, it also shows your potential upcoming customers that you’re confident in the strength of your products, even in the face of a few bad reviews.
Encourage customers to review your products. When you sell something online, you should always follow up with an email which asks customers to review your products. Sometimes, companies will even send a series of emails over a longer course of time after the initial product has been purchased in order to attempt to get a review. Others may incentivize it. Some companies will offer a small discount on a future purchase if a full review is made of a product.